News and Public Affairs 1-24-2022

News and Public Affairs 1-24-2022

2022-01-24T11:44:55-05:00January 23rd, 2022|Blog, Weekly Guests|Comments Off on News and Public Affairs 1-24-2022

Digging in the Dirt with Kevin Gallagher

Kevin Gallagher’s guest on Digging in the Dirt is Linley Dixon, a Colorado organic farmer with a Ph.D. in plant pathology and co-director of the Real Organic Project. The project is family farmer-driven and embraces centuries-old organic farming practices along with new scientific knowledge of ecological farming. Healthy soil equals healthy crops and livestock, which equals healthy people and a healthy climate. We’ll be talking about their upcoming online seminar Milk & Money — a discussion on the state of the organic milk industry in the U.S.

Monday, January 24 at 5:00 PM.

Counterpoint with Scott Harris

1) Christina Harvey, Executive Director of Stand Up America, discusses the failure of the U.S. Senate to pass voting rights legislation, the imminent danger to our democracy, and next steps in the struggle to prevent a GOP authoritarian takeover.

2) Ben Horton, a Harvard Law School Public Service Venture Fund fellow at the group Free Speech For People, talks about the filing of a legal challenge to North Carolina U.S. Representative Madison Cawthorn’s 2022 candidacy, that alleges that Cawthorn is constitutionally disqualified from public office under the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution based on reasonable suspicion that he helped facilitate the January 6, 2021 insurrection.

3) Alex Kotch, an investigative reporter with the Center for Media and Democracy, discusses the investigative report he co-wrote with Walker Bragman, titled “How the Koch Network Hijacked the War on COVID,” which reveals how a right-wing network linked to billionaire Charles Koch has played a key role in fighting public health measures during the coronavirus pandemic, including mask and vaccine mandates, contact tracing and lockdowns.

4) Barbara Fair, a licensed clinical social worker, social justice activist and organizer with the group Stop Solitary Connecticut, talks about the PROTECT Act which passed both the CT House and Senate in 2021 but was vetoed by CT Governor Lamont. Barbara will explain the goals of the PROTECT Act to abolish the use of solitary confinement in state, and the campaign to sign the legislation into law in 2022.

Monday, January 24, 8 pm and archived.

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