Home Page


Home Page with Duo Dickinson – Whether it is in our homes or on our streets, humans experience what we make. Today we are all compelled to listen to our health in a time of threatened well-being – but what impacts us every day, impacting how we feel in the world we make for ourselves? Duo Dickinson has built over 800 things, written 8 books, write now about architecture, homes, families and the human condition for 5 publications. Learn More

Summer of Love


Join WPKN for a two-day special on June 24 with Summer of Love Disco and June 25 with Summer of Love songs! You know that special song that screams IT’S SUMMER!!! to you. The one you played over and over while you got your summer groove on. We're going to share it with the world! As we are seeing an end to the pandemic restrictions, the Summer of Love special will kick-off several unique opportunities for you to help position WPKN for a sustainable future in our new location. Check out our WPKN MOVE giving opportunities. Special thanks to Martha Willette Lewis for supplying the Summer of Love artwork, ...

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