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2023-04-06T21:08:24-04:00April 21st, 2020|Non-Profits, Resources|Comments Off on Non-Profits

Free Listings for Non-Profits

The organizations listed on this page perform a public service in and for the communities they serve. No fees are charged, paid, or collected for these listings. Many receive(d) a Public Service Announcement (PSA) on radio station WPKN 89.5-FM, but that is not a requirement for a listing. Organizations that want a listing on this page should:

  1. be located in the WPKN 89.5-FM broadcast area;
  2. benefit the community and/or person(s) within the community;
  3. be non-profit- preferably with a 501(c)(3) certificate. (The distinction: nonprofit status is typically granted by the state; while a tax-exempt designation (such as 501(c)(3), the charitable tax-exemption) is the federal government’s provision obtained from the IRS.); and
  4. have a linkable web presence in the form of a public URL, or Facebook page.

This page in no way pretends to be a complete listing of all the nonprofit based services within the WPKN listening area. If you don’t see the service/s you are looking for listed here please do not get discouraged, but continue your search on the Internet, and with community, and local government agencies to locate any additional available resources. If you know of or would like to have an organization listed here contact WPKN.

Submit Your Non-Profit

Before submitting your non-profit, please make sure your organization meets the requirements stated above.

    By checking this box, I acknowledge that the organization being submitted is a 501(c)(3) serving an area overlapping the geographic footprint of WPKN.

    By checking this box, you certify that you are authorized to publicize this organization and that, to the best of your knowledge, all details submitted are accurate.By checking this box, you acknowledge your understanding that submission of this information in no way guarantees that it will be published on WPKN online. Decisions on inclusion are made at the discretion of WPKN staff who will review each submission with care prior to posting.

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