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Here are some of the links and phone numbers you might have heard on the air.

Worried about Covid-19? Ignore the internet memes and amateur advice.

Get the opinion of the experts that have trained for this and know what’s really going on.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Schedule your vaccination today!

More information for Connecticut
More information for New York State

Get Tested!

New Haven
Saliva-based testing, as opposed to the more uncomfortable nasal swab test, is now available in New Haven. Saliva testing is safe, effective and 99.9% accurate. The New Haven Health Department in collaboration with the CT Department of Public Health is offering this new testing option.

  • Morning testing, from 8 AM – Noon, will be on Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday at 60 Sargent Drive.
  • Evening testing will be offered from 2 PM – 7 PM on Monday and Wednesday, 1 – 4 PM on Tuesday and Thursday, 1 – 5 PM on Saturdays, and 2 – 6 PM on Sundays. Evening testing will take place on the New Haven Green.

There is no out-of-pocket cost for testing.

Appointments, while not required, can be made at:, or by calling: (203) 208 3464.
For more information visit our website: or call: 203-946-6999.

Here’s a list of free Covid-19 test sites in Bridgeport with schedules.

The federal government is making at-home COVID test kits available for free.  You can request kits online at:
The CDC strongly recommends the use of N95 masks over cloth masks.  The federal government also plans to make N95 masks available to the public for free.  Masks will be available as soon as next week (1/24/2022), distributed at retail pharmacies like CVS and Walgreens.

NY Health

NY’s Official Health Insurance Marketplace

CT Access Health Care

Access Health CT

Connecticut’s Official Health Insurance Marketplace

  • Enroll by midnight on December 31 and you can still choose a plan
    that starts January 1, 2022
  • Enroll by January 15th for coverage beginning on February 1st, 2022

Check the website for further details and more help.

Call now, or visit a help center.

Covered Connecticut Program

Some Connecticut residents that meet specific eligibility requirements are paying $0 for their health insurance thanks to the new Covered Connecticut Program. To participate in the program, you must call 860-241-8478 (Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm) and enroll by June 30, 2022.

For more details:

Access Health CT Small Business

Access Health CT Small Business

Connecticut’s official group health insurance marketplace for small businesses.
Open enrollment for small business closes December 15th, 2021.

More help for you and your family

The CT Department of Social Services: ConneCT
Connecticut also offers adult and children’s health services (the Huskey Plan/Medicaid), food aid and other assistance for low-income families via ConneCT as well as through 12 regional offices throughout the state.

NY State Department of Health
NY state also offers state services like Medicaid, food aid and other assistance for low-income individuals and families via the Department of Health.

Save a Life: Donate Blood

American Red Cross

The Red Cross is experiencing a shortage of blood donations after thousands of blood drives were canceled around the country to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. A number of appointment-only blood drives are being organized throughout Connecticut. To make an appointment in your area, call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit to make an appointment or for more information. All blood types are needed to ensure a reliable supply for patients.


If you live outside of Connecticut or New York, you can find out about how to enroll in your state via this national website.

Vaccines for Children

The Vaccines For Children program is a federally funded program that provides vaccines at no cost to children who might not otherwise be vaccinated because of an inability to pay. CDC buys vaccines at a discount and distributes them to state health departments and certain local and territorial public health agencies and makes them available at no charge to those private physicians’ offices and public health clinics. Find out more.

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