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Digging in the Dirt


Digging in the Dirt with Kevin Gallagher. The show is comprised of four parts: Digging World Jazz airs from 4 to 4:55 pm. At 4:55 pm, become Earth-aware with the weekly feature “GaiaGram environmental headlines from around a planet in crisis.” At 5 pm “Digging in the Dirt” is a half-hour long. Guests on “Digging in the Dirt” are Climate Change experts and activists, promoting organic and regenerative farming techniques, showing the way to grow healthier food in a way that respects the planet’s health. In addition to nationally known movers and shakers in this niche, Kevin loves to feature food authors, local farmers and gardeners pushing the envelope ...



GaiaGram with Kevin Gallagher brings “Environmental headlines for a planet in Crisis” every Monday at 4:55 p.m. – keeping us all informed on what we can’t afford to ignore about the changing eco-systems of our planet. Kevin Gallagher likes to dig. He especially enjoys digging in places he’s never dug before because he never knows what he’ll find. To know Kevin is to know he likes to share his treasures, whether it’s the garlic he dug out of the soil or the music he pulls up out of WPKNs musical well or a new ecological film he has invited all of WPKNs tribe to come and ...

Cliff Furnald


Cliff Furnald airs on Thursday Mornings, 7 to 10 AM — As democracy fades, Cliff plays music. New music. Old music. Local music. Music that is local somewhere else. Wherever you are, there you are. It might be jazz. It might not be. Might be folk, could be avant-garde. Rock music? Why not? It’s most unlikely that it will be opera, but you just can’t be sure. He will idly chatter from time to time, as well. But don’t worry, it never lasts too long. You can find out more about what you hear on the program at RootsWorld. Cliff Furnald brings music little heard on the radio ...

Sustainable Long Island


Sustainable Long Island with Francesca Rheannon and Tony Ernst is a monthly series about issues of land use, water and energy resources, transportation and the food industries on the twin forks of Long Island. The program is heard on the 2nd Saturday at 9 am and on the 3rd Wednesday each month at 7:30 pm. Visit the program archives. Francesca Rheannon is an award-winning media professional who thinks a better world is possible. She is host and producer of Writers Voice, a weekly radio show & podcast featuring in-depth conversations with writers of all genres, airing on stations nationally since 2004. Francesca also co-produces Sustainable East ...

Writer’s Voice


Writer’s Voice with Francesca Rheannon features in-depth conversations with writers of all genres. The program features interviews and readings, as well as reviews with authors such as Louise Erdrich, James Risen, Ursula K. LeGuin, Russell Banks, poet Richard Wilbur, and many more notable writers. Writer’s Voice is produced and hosted by Francesca Rheannon and has been on the air since 2004, with more than 500 shows produced, airing on stations across the United States. Francesca Rheannon is an award-winning media professional who thinks a better world is possible. She is host and producer of Writer’s Voice, a weekly radio show & podcast featuring in-depth conversations with ...

Jim Motavalli


Jim Motavalli – The Jim Motavalli Show is on the second, fourth and fifth Tuesdays of the month, 8-11 p.m. It mixes up long, carefully arranged sets in multiple genres with segments that draw upon my journalistic background, including interviews with authors, experts in many fields, and musicians. I also present live music whenever possible. You’d think that after all this time I’d have come up with a name for my show, but it seems to exist happily without one. I like to mix up genres, sometimes in the same set. My touchstones are jazz, folk, Americana, old-time country (not bluegrass), some subsets of rock, and electronic music in ...

North Fork Works


North Fork Works with Hazel Kahan broadcasts on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. North Fork Works grew out of an endless curiosity about my neighbors out here on the North Fork of the East End of Long Island: I wanted to know who they are and how they work. Now in its eighth year, North Fork Works has carried wonderful conversations about their work with bird, bee and tomato farmers, owners of a therapy dog, musicians, a carpenter, a mayor, a chimney sweep/educator, a sailor, a car mechanic/poet, authors, restaurant owners, a historian, and a maker of musical instruments, labor and environmental activists. They talk about what ...

First Voices Radio


First Voices Radio with Tiokasin Ghosthorse. Today many Indigenous peoples are still excluded from society and often even deprived of their rights as autonomous Nations and recognition of approximately 397 valid Turtle Island Nation(s) to Nation-U.S. treaties. Nevertheless, they are determined to preserve, develop and transmit to future generations their ancestral territories and to address their issues as original Nations of Turtle Island; and to redress the returning of lands, territories, and resources of their Nations. Their continued existence as peoples is closely connected to their free will to influence their own fate and to live in accordance with their own cultural patterns, social institutions and legal systems. Indigenous ...

The Organic Farm Stand


The Organic Farm Stand airs on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12 Noon to 1 PM; with co-hosts: Richard Hill and Chris Ferrio & friends. The show presents News & Views for and from the organic community; including farming and gardening advice, listener call-ins and interviews with organic and food systems experts and activists. In loving memory of Guy Beardsley, whose knowledge and passion were a driving force for organic farming in Connecticut. My life is divided between directing the band, doing radio at WPKN, teaching music and dance (Swing and Salsa), and teaching and hosting youth radio programming. Learn More ...

The Forest and the Trees


The Forest and the Trees with Melinda Tuhus brings environmental champions together. Melinda Tuhus is an independent journalist with 25 years’ experience in print and radio, including In These Times, The New York Times, Free Speech Radio News, public radio outlets, and four years’ experience reporting for on-line publications, including Women's e-News, and the New Haven Independent. She has been a producer for Between the Lines for the past several years, as well as her own monthly show on WPKN, The Forest & the Trees: Global and Local Perspectives on the Environment. Learn More Listen on Soundcloud

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