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Save the date! LennonMcCartney fundraiser Sept 28 and 29

Save the date! LennonMcCartney fundraiser Sept 28 and 29

2020-09-14T21:05:21-04:00September 16th, 2020|Press Release|Comments Off on Save the date! LennonMcCartney fundraiser Sept 28 and 29

Save the Date: LennonMcCartney

Come Together September 28 & 29 for a WPKN Fundraiser

Be prepared to be glued to your radio! Join us for LennonMcCartney, September 28/29 from 7 am -10 pm. This special fundraiser offers a two-day celebration of two rock geniuses, together and on their own. Featuring music, stories, special premiums and a deep dive into Lennon and McCartney’s Songbook from a kaleidoscopic array of our wonderful programmers. It’s fundraising as only WPKN can do it: Live, entertaining, distinctive, personal and always opinionated. Help support your community radio station and experience a feast for your ears.

Click here to see our all-star lineup of hosts for the two-day spectacular event.

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