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The Emotion Roadmap


The Emotion Roadmap: Take the Wheel and Control How You Feel with Chuck Wolfe airs 12 Noon to 1 p.m. First and second Wednesday of each month. Have you ever found yourself stuck, uncertain what to do? Smart people, excellent leaders and critical thinkers, effective managers and problem solvers often become stuck when something emotional is happening to them or someone they are dealing with. Stop being a victim to how you feel! Learn how the Emotion Roadmap can help you take control and create the feelings you want and need at work and at home. Listen to interviews with thought leaders and hear Chuck answering calls that teach listeners strategies ...

Kathy’s Corner


Kathy’s Corner with Kathy Connor is a monthly radio show on WPKN, 89.5 FM, airing on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 12 noon to 1 pm. The show centers around the value of developing consciousness/ inner life for greater happiness and success in the outer life. Kathy Connor teaches people the Transcendental Meditation technique in the Fairfield County, CT area as well as offering follow up for the thousands of people who have learned TM over these many years. Learn More Listen on Soundcloud

Seeking Wellness: Our Bodies Explained


Seeking Wellness: Our Bodies Explained with Jennifer C. Pierre, ND, MPH leverages natural medicine to discuss the rise in chronic disease in the United States.  Most of these diseases are preventable through diet and lifestyle change.  These include but are not limited to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and cancer.  An effective way to decrease these rates is through patient education. Dr. Jennifer C. Pierre is a licensed Naturopathic physician in Arizona and Connecticut. Visit her website. Learn More Listen on Soundcloud

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