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News and Public Affairs 8-22-2022

News and Public Affairs 8-22-2022

2022-08-22T17:25:46-04:00August 22nd, 2022|Blog, Weekly Guests|Comments Off on News and Public Affairs 8-22-2022

Counterpoint with Scott Harris

1) Greg Palast, known for his investigative reports for The Guardian newspaper, Democracy Now and author of several New York Times bestsellers including “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy,” talks about his new film, “Vigilante: Georgia’s Vote Suppression Hitman,” produced by Martin Sheen, which is scheduled to be released soon.

2) Eric S. Tars, Legal Director with the National Homelessness Law Center talks about his group’s research into the criminalization of homelessness across the U.S., as discussed in NHLC’s recent “Study of State Laws Criminalizing Homelessness.”

3) Jeff Schuhrke, Assistant Professor of Labor Studies at the Harry Van Arsdale Jr. School of Labor Studies at State University of New York’s Empire State College in New York City. He’ll talk about his recent Jacobin magazine article, “Starbucks Is on a National Union-Busting Crime Spree,” as well as assessing the new energy and victories in union organizing across the U.S.

4) Pilar Marrero, Disinformation Monitor for the Algorithmic Transparency Institute and Associate Editor for Ethnic Media Services. Pilar, an independent journalist and author, discusses political misinformation targeting the Latino community ahead of this November’s midterm election campaign.

Monday, August 22 at 8:00 PM and in the WPKN archive.

First Voices Indigenous Radio with Tiokasin Ghosthorse

In 1993, Indigenous peoples, including the Yakima, Klickitat and other area nations gathered to stop the violent disrespect to a time immemorial place of sustenance called Nanainmi Waki ‘Uulktt for the Klickitat Nation. John Trudell (Dakota) spoke to bring attention and support to efforts of recognizing and honoring treaty rights often dismissed by Western concepts of property, the guise of money, and the system which makes everyone vulnerable to a situational acceptance of democracy. Trudell spoke at the Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington in front of an audience of innocence and apologetic predatory energy. Listen in to this timeless recording only edited for broadcast without removal of context. Hoka hey John Trudell.

Tuesday, August 23 at 12:00 noon.

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