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News and Public Affairs 6-28-2021

News and Public Affairs 6-28-2021

2021-06-28T09:20:47-04:00June 28th, 2021|Blog, Weekly Guests|Comments Off on News and Public Affairs 6-28-2021

Counterpoint with Scott Harris

1) Pam Garrison and Jean Evansmore West Virginia activists with the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival, discuss the June 23rd Moral March on Manchin & McConnell action in Washington, D.C., and future plans for protest and non-violent civil disobedience to advocate for the passage of the For The People Act, John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, and against GOP voter suppression legislation across the U.S.

2) Greg Palast, known for his investigative reports for The Guardian and Democracy Now and author of several New York Times bestsellers including “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy,” will discuss his latest report: “Exposed: New threat to 364,000 Minority Georgia voters by GOP operatives,” that recounts how GOP activist Pamela Reardon of Marietta, Georgia has filed a legal challenge to 32,379 voters in Cobb County, under a little-noticed provision of Georgia’s new voting restriction law, SB202.

3) Dennis Kucinich, U.S. Representative from Ohio from 1997 to 2013, and candidate for the Democratic nomination for U.S. president in 2004 and 2008, talks about his new book, “In The Division of Light and Power,” which recounts his battle against a shadow city government which engaged in corporate espionage, sabotage, price-fixing, when he ran and won the election for mayor of Cleveland. As the youngest mayor of a major city in the U.S. at the age of 31, he survived a recall election and succeeded in stopping the sale of the city’s municipal electric utility before being defeated for reelection in 1979. Kucinich is once again a candidate for mayor of Cleveland in the city’s Nov. 2nd election.

4) Joshua Frens-String, Assistant Professor in the Department of History at the University of Texas at Austin talks about recent developments in Chile, including the May 2021 election that voted in a new Constitutional Convention to rewrite the Pinochet-era Constitution of 1980, and the strength of leftist Daniel Jadue’s candidacy for president in the November 2021 election. He’ll also discuss issues covered in his new book, “Hungry for Revolution: The Politics of Food and the Making of Modern Chile.”

Monday, June 28, 8 pm and archived.

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