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News and Public Affairs 4-12-2021

News and Public Affairs 4-12-2021

2021-04-12T17:27:08-04:00April 12th, 2021|Blog, Weekly Guests|Comments Off on News and Public Affairs 4-12-2021

Counterpoint with Scott Harris

Marge Baker, People for the American Way’s Executive Vice President for Policy and Program, talks about the critical battle against proposed GOP voter suppression bills across the U.S., and the campaign to pass the “For The People Act” in the U.S. Senate by overcoming the Senate filibuster.

Nicolas J. S. Davies, author of “Blood On Our Hands: The American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq,” and researcher/writer with Code Pink Women For Peace, discusses his recent article, co-written with Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin, titled, “What’s Really Going On in Afghanistan?

Stanley Heller, Executive Director of the New Haven-based group Middle East Crisis Committee, talks about the coalition of groups that have come together to try to save Palestinians from being shot by guns produced by Sturm Ruger & Co. which is based in Fairfield, CT. The company’s guns are being used for “crowd control,” where Israeli soldiers are shooting .22 caliber rounds at leaders of, and participants in demonstrations, killing some and maiming others.

Peter Murchison, a gun violence prevention (GVP) activist and a member of the Wilton Quaker Meeting. His nephew, Daniel Barden was killed at Sandy Hook elementary school in December 2012, which inspired his activism. Peter will talk about his GVP work with faith communities coinciding with National Youth Violence Prevention Week April 12th-16th.

Monday, April 12, 8 pm and archived.

Tidings from Hazel Kahan

This month, Hazel’s guest on Tidings is Los Angles-based educator and Jungian analyst William K. Grevatt, who will talk about his new book: “The Alchemy of Tyranny—A Jungian Perspective.” Guided by the acclaimed psychoanalyst Carl G. Jung’s interpretations of alchemical operations, Dr. Grevatt describes the “projections that are occurring consciously and unconsciously within the leaders and the populations of nations where this dark shift to the right is occurring” and why, 75 years after Hitler’s regime ended, we are watching demagogic leaders around the world return the pendulum’s swing to fascism.

Wednesday, April 14, 7:30 pm and archived.

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