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News and Public Affairs 12-28-2020

News and Public Affairs 12-28-2020

2020-12-28T21:42:20-05:00December 28th, 2020|Blog, Weekly Guests|Comments Off on News and Public Affairs 12-28-2020

Counterpoint with Scott Harris

This week’s guests on Counterpoint, hosted by Scott Harris:

Julio Lopez, the Center for Popular Democracy’s Co-Director for Community Dignity Campaigns, discusses CPD’s view of the COVID relief package of assistance recently voted on by Congress, with a focus on Trump’s eleventh-hour attempt to upend the process, the inadequacies of the current legislation — and the work CPD is doing to pressure the incoming Biden administration and Congress to increase aid targeted to the most vulnerable in our society.

Alex Harman, Competition Policy Advocate at Public Citizen, talks about the bipartisan lawsuit filed against Google for giving preference to its own content in search results, as well as other major areas of concern re: online and social media company monopolies.

Ellen Brown, founder and chairwoman of the Public Banking Institute, and author of 12 books including, “Web of Debt,” talks about her recent article, “FDR Knew Exactly How to Solve Today’s Unemployment Crisis,” as well as providing an update on her work advocating for the establishment of public banking across the U.S.

Tony of Post Cards To Voters will discuss his electoral outreach project, how it works, and how our listeners can get involved in current and future campaigns including the two critical Senate run-off elections in Georgia on January 5th, that will determine whether the Democrats or Republicans control the U.S. Senate.

Monday, December 28 at 8:00 PM and in the WPKN archive.

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