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News and Public Affairs 11-02-2020

News and Public Affairs 11-02-2020

2020-11-03T17:27:58-05:00November 2nd, 2020|Blog, Weekly Guests|Comments Off on News and Public Affairs 11-02-2020

Counterpoint with Scott Harris

This week’s guests on Counterpoint, hosted by Scott Harris:

Sylvia Albert, Director of the Voting and Elections program at Common Cause discusses the work she and a national coalition of groups are doing to protect the election results — and preparations being made to respond to any attempt by the Trump regime to disqualify ballots, end vote counting or other actions to steal the election.

Democracy without JournalismVictor Pickard, Professor of Media Policy and Political Economy, Co-Director, Media, Inequality & Change Center at the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication — and author of the book, “Democracy Without Journalism: Confronting the Misinformation Society,” shares his views on media coverage of the 2020 election, and more generally the Trump presidency – with a focus on how to effectively combat the rise of extremist, white nationalist propaganda organs such as Fox News, OAN and countless social media outlets.

The Cult of TrumpSteven Hassan, a cult survivor, mental health professional, director of the Freedom of Mind Resource Center and author of the book, “The Cult of Trump: A Leading Cult Expert Explains How the President Uses Mind Control.” He’ll discuss his concerns about President Trump’s state of mind in the period before the election, and if he should lose — the dangerous period of time between the election and the inauguration of the new president. He’ll also comment on what the country should prepare for re: the response of Trump’s die-hard supporters to election results, many of whom have discussed taking up arms to defend the president.

Peoples Spiral of US HistoryHarvey Wasserman, a lifelong activist who speaks and writes on energy, the environment, election protection, and social justice issues. Host of “California Solartopia” at KPFK-Radio in Los Angeles, Harvey’s most recent book is titled, “The People’s Spiral of US History: From Jigonsaseh to Solartopia…to Life after Trump.” He’ll talk about his recent article, “Trump Has Lit the Final Fuse on His November 3 Coup: Supreme Court to Heist the Popular Vote.”

Monday, November 2 at 8:00 PM and in the WPKN archive.

Writer’s Voice: with Francesca Rheannon

The People, NoWe spend the hour talking with political historian Thomas Frank about his ground-breaking book about Populism and anti-Populism, “The People, No: A Brief History of Anti-Populism.” It’s about the long history of elite distrust of pro-democracy working-class/farmer political activism in the U.S. As Frank explains: “The People, No is the story of how much of our modern world we owe to our home-grown democratic movements for reform. It is also a cautionary note for our time, a warning against the pundits who tell us to fear the plain people, to keep to the path of centrist complacency, to let the experts handle our lives and our future.”

Monday, November 2 at 10:00 PM and archived.

WPKN Evening Report

Special WPKN Election Night programming on the Evening Report. The extended WPKN Evening Report will bring an hour of special election night news and interviews with a focus on the East End of Long Island and the Congressional race taking place in New York’s CD-1 between incumbent Rep. Lee Zeldin (R) (to be confirmed) and Nancy Goroff (D). The pre-recorded program will include an interview with Goroff, heads of one or more local Democrat committees, a member of The Protect the Results coalition and commentary and analysis from Francesca Rheannon and other WPKN news reporters.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020 at 7:00 PM.

VOTE 2020

Live Election Night Coverage. Don’t go it alone for this election. We’ll have live coverage all evening. Then, depending on how things are going, probably more throughout the week.

Tuesday, November 3 from 8:00 PM through midnight.

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