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News and Public Affairs 10-24-2022

News and Public Affairs 10-24-2022

2022-10-24T09:48:05-04:00October 24th, 2022|Blog, Weekly Guests|Comments Off on News and Public Affairs 10-24-2022

Counterpoint with Scott Harris

1) David Corn, Mother Jones Magazine’s Washington bureau chief, an on-air analyst with MSNBC, and bestselling author, talks about his new book, “American Psychosis: A Historical Investigation of How the Republican Party Went Crazy,” a historical account of how the since the 1950s the Republican Party has encouraged and exploited extremism, bigotry, and paranoia to gain power.

2) Justin Feldman, a visiting scientist at Harvard University’s Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights, shares his views on the weakening of public health policies re: the COVID pandemic, the consequences for this winter’s expected spike in cases — and how/why the nation’s response to COVID was politicized on the right, and the ongoing deadly result.

3) William Lazonick, Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Massachusetts discusses his views on the Biden administration’s policy re: Big Oil’s price increases, record profits and the president and Congress’ inaction on stopping oil company stock buybacks.

4) Kim Ives, a journalist and editor at the weekly newspaper Haïti Liberté, examines the current situation in Haiti re: the rise in violence, food shortages, protests demanding the resignation of acting president Ariel Henry, US media coverage of the crisis — and his views on calls for the international community to militarily intervene. Kim will also talk about his soon-to-be-released documentary film on Haiti, “Another Vision.”

Monday, October 24 at 8:00 PM and in the WPKN archive.

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