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News and Public Affairs 1-3-2022

News and Public Affairs 1-3-2022

2022-01-04T09:51:54-05:00January 1st, 2022|Blog, Weekly Guests|Comments Off on News and Public Affairs 1-3-2022

Counterpoint with Scott Harris

1) Stephen Spaulding, Common Cause Senior Counsel for Public Policy and Government Affairs, Senior Advisor to the President of Common Cause, talks about the current mobilization to pressure the U.S. Senate to vote on and pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis voting Rights Advancement Act in January.

2) Mel Goodman, a senior fellow at the Center for International Policy, and a former CIA intelligence analyst from 1966 to 1990, examines post-cold war history to better understand the build-up of forces and current crisis along the Russia – Ukraine border, while also assessing US corporate media’s coverage of the dangerous rise in tensions between Washington and Moscow.

3) René Rojas, Assistant Professor in Human Development at the College of Community and Public Affairs, Binghamton University, assesses the presidential election victory of Gabriel Boric — and the challenges he faces as Chile’s youngest president, and most progressive leader since Salvador Allende, whose government was overthrown by the U.S. supported a right-wing military coup in 1973.

4) Muad Hrezi, a 26-year-old Hartford resident and progressive candidate who is challenging Connecticut’s First Congressional District 22-year incumbent Representative John Larson in a primary on August 9th. Muad, whose family fled persecution in Libya, served as a policy staffer for U.S. Sen. Christopher S. Murphy for 2 1/2 years, and currently works as an educator and track coach at a Connecticut high school.

Monday, January 3, 8 pm and archived.

First Tuesday Rainy Day Radio with Richard Hill

Gary Leupp, professor of history at Tufts University, will discuss the recent escalation of the Ukraine crisis and provide an alternative view from that purveyed in the mainstream media and echoed by the US political class.

Tuesday, January 4 at 8:30 PM.

North Fork Works with Hazel Kahan

On this month’s North Fork Works, two members of the North Fork Dark Sky coalition talk about why the dark sky is important, not only to astronomers and nature lovers, but to many many species of birds and insects, our agriculture and tourism economies and to our own sense of wellbeing and wonder.  They will tell us what they and the Town of Southold are doing to protect this crucial natural resource by educating the public to combat light pollution and keep it from escaping.

Wednesday, January 5 at 7:30 pm and archived.

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