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News and Public Affairs 1-18-2021

News and Public Affairs 1-18-2021

2021-01-18T12:01:38-05:00January 18th, 2021|Blog, Weekly Guests|Comments Off on News and Public Affairs 1-18-2021

Counterpoint with Scott Harris

This week’s guests on Counterpoint, hosted by Scott Harris:

Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund. She’ll examine the Jan. 6th terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol, the failure of law enforcement and federal agencies to secure the building, double standards of policing for right-wing protests vs. BLM and progressive protest actions, and accountability for legislators and police who participated in the Jan. 6th insurrection.

Sasha Abramsky, a journalist, regular contributor to The Nation Magazine’s ‘Signal to Noise’ column and author of several books, including, “Inside Obama’s Brain,” “Breadline USA,” “American Furies,” “The American Way of Poverty,” and “Jumping at Shadows: The Triumph of Fear and the End of the American Dream.” Sasha will discuss his recent columns covering the violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6th, and the Republican Party’s role in enabling Trump’s assault on democracy over the past four years.

Mike Tanglis, Research Director with Public Citizen’s Congress Watch, has authored and co-authored numerous reports on corruption, money and politics, worker safety and consumer protection. He’ll discuss his group’s calls for corporations to exit the business of influencing elections and issues related to the violent, Trump-provoked Jan. 6th Capitol insurrection.

Mitch Linck, an organizer with the Connecticut chapter of and Connecticut Climate Crisis Mobilization (C3M,) talks about an important January 24th online public form titled, “Climate, Covid, Capitalism: Connections and Context for the Next Stage of the Fight.” The panel will feature speakers including, labor historian Jeremy Brecher, Justin Farmer, a member of the Hamden, CT Town Council and Gregg Gonsalves, an epidemiologist at Yale University, who worked for 30 year on HIV/AIDS and other global health issues.

Monday, January 18 at 8:00 PM and in the WPKN archive.

The Inauguration — Special coverage of the transfer of power.

On Inauguration Day, Wednesday, January 20th, WPKN will be offering special coverage of the Presidential Inauguration from WPFW and WBAI in place of our usual programming.

This special coverage will include analyses and interviews with a full range of journalists and commentators — as well as voices from the street. Our special coverage will run from 11 A.M. to 2 P.M.   We hope you’ll join us to hear this alternative Inauguration Day reporting from our partners at Pacifica.

Wednesday, January 20 from 11:00 AM until 2:00 PM.

Sustainable East End with Francesca Rheannonis and Tony Ernst

The protection and management of New York’s natural resources can help reach the goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions statewide by 2050. We present portions of a forum produced by Columbia University’s Sabin Center for Climate Change Law. The forum focused on how the protection and management of New York’s natural resources can help reach the goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions statewide by 2050.

Sustainable East End is heard on the 3rd Wednesday every month.

Wednesday, January 20 at 7:30 PM and archived.

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