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Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 9-6-2021

Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 9-6-2021

2021-09-06T19:20:58-04:00September 6th, 2021|Blog, Weekly Guests|Comments Off on Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 9-6-2021

First Voices Indigenous Radio with Tiokasin Ghosthorse

Dr. Rosita Worl, an anthropologist, is President of the Sealaska Heritage Institute and for many years served as Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of Alaska Southeast. We will be discussing a recent grant to document traditional protocols for removal of grief, a collaboration of traditional scholars and clan leaders.

In the second half-hour, Tiokasin continues a discussion of critical race theory with friend and regular guest Ukumbwa Sauti, an initiated Elder in the Dagara tradition from Burkina Faso in West Africa.

Tuesday, September 7 at 12 noon.

Tidings from Hazel Kahan

This month, Hazel’s guest on Tidings is Los Angles-based educator and Jungian analyst William K. Grevatt, who will talk about his new book: “The Alchemy of Tyranny—A Jungian Perspective.” Guided by the acclaimed psychoanalyst Carl G. Jung’s interpretations of alchemical operations, Dr. Grevatt describes the “projections that are occurring consciously and unconsciously within the leaders and the populations of nations where this dark shift to the right is occurring” and why, 75 years after Hitler’s regime ended, we are watching demagogic leaders around the world return the pendulum’s swing to fascism.

Wednesday, September 8 at 7:30 PM and archived.

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