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Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 9-12-2022

Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 9-12-2022

2022-09-12T08:49:58-04:00September 11th, 2022|Blog, Weekly Guests|Comments Off on Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 9-12-2022

Spotlight on Arts & Culture from The Cultural Alliance of Fairfield County

“What Paier College is Bringing to Bridgeport Arts & Culture” with guests: Jospeh Bierbaum, Paier College President, Khanlar Gasimov, the new director of the Schelfhaudt Gallery, and Ian McDonald, Technical Director & Event Coordinator of Mertens Theater.

Monday, September 12 at Noon.

Writer’s Voice with Francesca Rheannon

We talk with the great climate activist and writer Bill McKibben about his terrific new book, “The Flag, The Cross And The Station Wagon: A Graying American Looks Back at His Suburban Boyhood and Wonders What The Hell Happened.”

Then, a brilliant coming-of-age novel that treats the personal as political and vice versa. We talk with Sarah Thankam Mathews about “All This Could Be Different.” 

Monday, September 12 at 10:00 PM.

First Voices Radio with Tiokasin Ghosthorse

Tiokasin’s guest this week is “First Voices” friend and regular guest Dr. Manuel Rozental with a report on current events from Colombia and Abya Yala, including recent events in Chile involving the Mapuche people and the progressive government of Gabriel Boric. Rozental is a long-time Colombian activist, researcher and community organizer who is part of the Pueblos en Camino initiative with a mandate to weave autonomies and resistance between peoples.

Tuesday, September 13 at 12:00 noon.

Jim Motavalli

8:30 PM, Martha Spencer talking about her old-time country solo album. She’s a veteran of the Whitetop Mountaineers.

9:00 PM, Fairfield-based jazz guitarist Greg Packham submits to a jazz blindfold test.

9:30 PM, author Betty Frazzell talks about her book “If You Can’t Quit Cryin’ Don’t Come Around Here no More.” It’s about her escape from poverty and mental illness in Missouri.

10:00 PM, Daniel Ferrera talks about the Newtown Arts Festival Sept. 16-18.

Tuesday evening, September 13 at 8:30 PM.

Tidings from Hazel Kahan

This month Hazel Kahan’s guest is Jungian psychoanalyst and author Dr. Candace De Puy who offers us an analysis of the recent intense emotions surrounding anti-abortion politics through the lens of Carl G. Jung’s analytical psychology theories of individuation, archetypes and the collective unconscious. Dr. De Puy, based in Los Angeles, is co-author with Dr. Dana Dovitch of “The Healing Choice: Your Guide to Emotional Recovery After an Abortion” (2013). 

Wednesday, September 14 at 6:30 AM (repeated at 8:00 PM) and archived.

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