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Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 5-3-2021

Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 5-3-2021

2021-05-03T08:11:52-04:00May 3rd, 2021|Blog, Weekly Guests|Comments Off on Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 5-3-2021

Digging in the Dirt with Kevin Gallagher

Kevin Gallagher‘s guest on Digging in the Dirt is J. Todd Fernandez, executive director of the organization Climate Crisis Policy and the newly formed Earth Bill Network, a 2030 moonshot for earth. Earth Bill Network is a nationwide group of expert volunteers and organizations working together to pass scientifically-based federal climate legislation to stop our current pollution now, before it’s too late for our children and all life on Earth.

Monday, May 3 at 5:00 PM

Writer’s Voice with Francesca Rheannon

We talk with Julia Fine about her genre-bending novel “The Upstairs House.” It’s about a new mother’s postpartum depression—and her obsession with Margaret Wise Brown, the author of “Goodnight Moon.”

Then best-selling legal thriller novelist Lisa Scottoline tells us about her first foray into writing historical fiction, “Eternal.” It’s about a love triangle between three young friends in Rome during Mussolini’s Fascist regime.

We also hear poet Martin Espada read his poem “The Fugitive Poets of Fenway Park.”

Mon, May 3, 10 PM and archived.

Soundprint: Asia with Joseph Celli

Join me on Soundprint: Asia for composer, electronic music producer, sculptor & former DJ Aaron Taylor Kuffner as we discuss his extraordinary sonic installation Gamelatron – a robotic sound installation at the Allyn Lyman Art Museum in addition to music & news of Asia.

Tues., May 4, 8 -11 pm

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