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Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 3-6-2023

Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 3-6-2023

2023-03-06T07:44:09-05:00March 6th, 2023|Blog, Weekly Guests|Comments Off on Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 3-6-2023

Writer’s Voice with Francesca Rheannon

We talk with John de Graaf about his new film, “Stewart Udall, The Politics of Beauty.” It takes an in-depth look at the life and work of Stewart Udall, a man who played a pivotal role in shaping America’s conservation and environmental policies.

Then we listen to our 2007 interview with Les Leopold about his biography of labor leader and environmentalist Tony Mazzochi, “The Man Who Hated Work and Loved Labor: The Life and Times of Tony Mazzocchi.”

Monday, March 6 at 10:00 PM.

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