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Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 12-20-2021

Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 12-20-2021

2021-12-20T07:57:30-05:00December 17th, 2021|Blog, Weekly Guests|Comments Off on Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 12-20-2021

Writer’s Voice with Francesca Rheannon

How Does the Constitution Work? And what did Abraham Lincoln do to break it — and remake it?

We talk with Ben Sheehan about his book, What Does The Constitution Say? A Kids Guide To How Our Democracy Works.

Then we talk with constitutional scholar Noah Feldman about his terrific new history of Lincoln and the civil war from a constitutional perspective, The Broken Constitution: Lincoln, Slavery, and the Refounding of America.

Monday, December 20, 10 PM and archived.

East End Ink

WPKN host and author, Francesca Rheannon reads The Food Philosophe: A Winter Solstice Tale

Francesca spent several months living in southern France in 2001-2002. Soon after her arrival in the Fall of 2001, she became good friends with a couple living in the old Roman town of Apt. She had been introduced to them — Michel, a chef, and his wife, “Magali” (not her real name) — by her friend, the writer Fabienne Pasquet.

On December 21, Magali and Michel threw a dinner party to celebrate the Winter Solstice. The food was divine, the wine likewise, and the company convivial — and Francesca ended up learning a profound lesson about the French Art of Living.

Francesca wrote up her experience in the story, “The Food Philosophe,” part of a longer memoir of her sojourn in Provence.

She reads it this week on East End Ink.

Wednesday, December 22, 7:30 PM and archived.

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