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Módulo Lunar


Módulo Lunar // The Lunar Module is a monthly program that airs every third Thursday of the month from 4 to 7 pm hosted by Luis Luna, producer and community organizer. This show is a platform for diverse Latinx music from across the American Continent including the U.S. These sounds drape the acoustic stage to discuss and elevate social justice issues and collective liberation programming. Luis brings activists, organizers and members of the community from across Connecticut and the U.S. to amplify our collective voices. Abolition Transmission is a radio collaboration between incarcerated abolitionists and organizers on the outside. This program is meant to amplify the voices and experiences ...

Love and Communication


Love and Communication with Michelle Morgan. I was born and raised in Maine and will mention it at least once per show. I currently live in West Haven. I came to Connecticut almost a decade ago to pursue my PhD in American Studies at Yale, wound up putting down roots here and marrying the head baker at Scratch Baking in Milford, and decided to stay. Learn More

This Way Out Radio


This Way Out is the only internationally distributed weekly LGBTQ radio program, currently airing on some 200 local community radio stations around the world. The award-winning half-hour magazine-style program features a summary of some of the major news events in or affecting the queer community (NewsWrap), in-depth coverage of major events, interviews with key queer figures, plus music, literature, entertainment — all the information and culture of a community on the move! When This Way Out went on the air in 1988, most of the mainstream media believed that all of LGBTQ life, news and culture could be summed up in one word: AIDS. Even some progressive journalists and community radio stations worried ...

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