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News and Public Affairs 9-19-2022

News and Public Affairs 9-19-2022

2022-09-19T19:26:28-04:00September 19th, 2022|Blog, Weekly Guests|Comments Off on News and Public Affairs 9-19-2022

Counterpoint with Scott Harris

1) Dan Vicuña, National Redistricting Manger with Common Cause discusses the Moore v. Harper case from North Carolina that will be heard by the US Supreme Court this fall, which could result in the court’s conservative majority affirming the debunked “independent state legislature theory,” throwing elections into chaos and further eroding our democracy.

2) Matthew Cunningham-Cook, a researcher and writer with the investigative news outlet Lever News, discusses his important new article, “How Wall Street Is Funding The Culture War,” which investigates the Wall Street billionaires who are funding Chris Rufo, the leader of the Republican Party’s culture war campaign that is suppressing public schools attempting to teach race and sexuality. These same billionaires profited handsomely from the 2008 financial crisis that threw 8.6 million people out of work, 7.8 million people out of their homes, and drove thousands of excess suicides.

3) Emma Fisher, deputy director with the group Climate Cabinet discusses her group’s recent report: “17 States Pass Anti-Protest Laws to Suppress Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Opposition.” These laws which may charge protesters with felonies for disrupting “critical infrastructure,” are clearly aimed at suppressing Indigenous and environmental activists’ opposition to oil and gas projects.

4) Melinda Tuhus, WPKN journalist and Between The Lines Radio Newsmagazine producer talks about the September 8th protest in Washington, D.C. where climate activists descended on Capitol Hill to lobby their elected officials and hold a rally opposing the fracked gas Mountain Valley pipeline. Activists oppose the deal made between West Virginia’s conservative Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin and party that secured his vote for the Inflation Reduction Act in exchange for an agreement to finish the pipeline and weaken bedrock environmental protections.

Monday 9/19 at 8 PM and in the WPKN archive.

First Voices Indigenous Radio with Tiokasin Ghosthorse

Dr. Marlina Rose Selva, Psy.D., who lives in the San Francisco Bay area on traditional Ohlone land, is a marriage and family therapist who specializes in foster care and adoption. A presenter on mental health topics to parents, educators and administrators, she also serves on the board of the Ohlone Audubon Society, bringing an indigenous perspective to conservation and environmental advocacy.

Then Charles Lyons, a producer, director, writer and video editor with a deep background in reporting on the environment, human rights, and culture. He is author of the book, “The New Censors. Movies and the Culture Wars.” He’ll talk about the struggle by indigenous people in Suriname against illegal gold mining on their territory.

Tuesday, September 20 at 12:00 noon.

Sustainable Long Island with Francesca Rheannon

Francesca Rheannon talks with Betta Broad of New Yorkers for Clean Power about the gas industry’s disinformation campaign against state plans to implement New York’s groundbreaking Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.

Wednesday, September 21 at 6:30 AM (repeated at 8:00 PM) and archived.

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