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News and Public Affairs 1-11-2021

News and Public Affairs 1-11-2021

2021-01-11T17:21:34-05:00January 11th, 2021|Blog, Weekly Guests|Comments Off on News and Public Affairs 1-11-2021

Counterpoint with Scott Harris

This week’s guests on Counterpoint, hosted by Scott Harris:

Jason Stanley, the Jacob Urowsky Professor of Philosophy at Yale University and author of five books including “How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them,” discusses the violent insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th, and the ongoing threat posed to US democracy by Trump loyalists and elements of the Republican Party that have embraced white supremacy, authoritarianism and fascism.

Bill Fletcher Jr., Executive Editor with Global African Worker, former president of TransAfrica Forum, former senior staff with the national AFL-CIO, a Senior Scholar with the Institute for Policy Studies and an editorial board member with He’ll talk about the urgent need for accountability for President Trump and members of the Republican Party who incited the fascist assault on the Capitol on January 6th.

Sarah Kendzior is the author of “Hiding in Plain Sight: The Invention of Donald Trump and the Erosion of America,” and the cohost of Gaslit Nation, a weekly podcast. She’ll share her views on the insurrection and attempt to overturn the Presidential election at the Capitol on Jan. 6th by an armed pro-Trump mob and a large sector of the Republican Party, as well as the post-Trump dangers ahead for U.S. democracy.

Mariyann Soulemane discusses her family’s ongoing fight for justice after her 19-year-old brother Mubarak was killed by Connecticut State police one year ago. She’ll talk about plans for a vigil in West Haven on the January 15th anniversary of Mubarak’s death to honor his memory and reflect on the nationwide struggle against police violence.

Monday, January 11 at 8:00 PM and in the WPKN archive.

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