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Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 7-12-2021

Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 7-12-2021

2021-07-12T10:24:36-04:00July 10th, 2021|Blog, Weekly Guests|Comments Off on Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 7-12-2021

Spotlight on Arts & Culture with David Green

The Fairfield County Cultural Alliance Spotlight on Arts & Culture for this week will focus on “Our Fairfield County Theatres: Coming Out of COVID.” Our guests: from Curtain Call, Lou Ursone; from Downtown Cabaret Theatre, Hugh Hallinan; from Greenwich Theatre, Stephanie Hazard and Andrea Lynn Gree; from New Paradigm Theatre, Kristin Huffman; and from Westport Country Playhouse, Michael Barker.

Monday, July 12 at 12:00 noon.

Digging in the Dirt with Kevin Gallagher

Kevin Gallagher interviews author Jesse Frost on his new book, The Living Soil Handbook: The No-Till Grower’s Guide to Ecological Market Gardening. Farmer Jesse is a certified organic market gardener, freelance journalist, and host of “The No-Till Market Garden Podcast.” He is also a co-founder of, where he helps collect the best and latest no-till insights from growers in the United States, Canada, the UK, and Europe. He practices no-till farming at Rough Draft Farmstead in central Kentucky.

Monday, July 12 at 4:00 PM.

Writer’s Voice with Francesca Rheannon

Talks with DC Comics & Warner Brothers comic book editor Joseph Illidge about his career in comic books, bringing diverse voices to the superhero genre.

We also hear a sneak preview of our interview with recycling maven Jennie Romer about her book Can I Recycle This.

Monday, July 12 at 10:00 PM and archived.

Tidings from Hazel Kahan

Surprisingly, our narcissistic culture has actually been remiss by failing this once to place ourselves at the center of attention.  In our focus on what climate change is doing to the planet and to our physical selves, researchers have not yet investigated what it’s been doing to the human psyche, to our own mental selves.  This month’s Tidings will synthesize multiple perspectives from the emerging field of climate psychology to provide insights into new phenomena such as eco-anxiety, eco-grief, anticipatory loss and environmental identity across our own and international landscapes and identifying who among us is carrying the greatest psychological impact of climate change.

Wednesday, July 14, 7:30 pm and archived.

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