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Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 5-9-2022

Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 5-9-2022

2022-05-09T18:03:19-04:00May 9th, 2022|Blog, Weekly Guests|Comments Off on Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 5-9-2022

Spotlight on Arts and Culture

This month on Spotlight on Arts and Culture: Richard Klein, an artist himself, is retiring from his post as executive director at the Aldrich Museum. Hear how he and The Aldrich have evolved over the 30 years of his tenure, since the day he was first involved when Larry Aldrich created his museum of contemporary art. Hear about some of the most outstanding and controversial of the 100 exhibits Richard has curated and co-curated at the Aldrich, and what exciting projects he has up his sleeve for his next phase.

Monday, May 9 at 12:00 noon.

Writer’s Voice with Francesca Rheannon

We talk with Catie Marron about her gorgeously illustrated new book, “Becoming A Gardener: What Reading and Digging Taught Me About Living.”

Then, poet and therapist Sharon Charde tells us about the poetry program she founded for incarcerated girls. Her book is “I Am Not A Juvenile Delinquent: How Poetry Changed a Group of At-Risk Young Women.”

Monday, May 9 at 10:00 PM.

Jim Motavalli

8:45 PM Neil Kavey, founder of the Bridgeport Field of Dreams Foundation, which has the mission of helping fund the athletic programs of three public high schools in the city — with money for the basics tight.

9:15 PM, Mike Daly talking about The Bad Slugs, a band that (sort of like the Rock Bottom Remainders for authors like Stephen King) features Connecticut writer guys — including Daly (ex CT Post); Ken Dixon, the Post’s Hartford correspondent and columnist; Tony Silber, formerly of the Post then Folio Magazine; and Mike DeSalvo, former digital producer at Hearst.

9:45 PM, Jon Davis, publisher of Architectural Designs (which provides low-cost architect’s plans for additions and building houses) on its tree-planting efforts.

Tuesday evening May 10.

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