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Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 3-29-2021

Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 3-29-2021

2021-03-29T14:57:29-04:00March 29th, 2021|Blog, Weekly Guests|Comments Off on Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 3-29-2021

Writer’s Voice with Francesca Rheannon

Elizabeth Kolbert talks about her new book Under A White Sky: The Nature of the Future.

Then, wildlife photographer extraordinaire Ian Shive goes to the volcanic Aleutian Islands of Alaska to tell us about the stunning new documentary he’s in, The Last Unknown. It’s streaming now on Discovery2.

Humans don’t have the best track record on finding solutions to self-created problems that don’t lead to even more problems. Think about Australia importing poisonous cane toads, for example. They’ve become a plague decimating many of that country’s native species. Or how about gene editing mosquito species so they don’t reproduce? Well, what’s going to happen to the fish who depend on mosquitos as a food source? And us, who depend on the fish?
So pervasive are human impacts on the planet that it’s said we live in a new geological epoch: the Anthropocene.

Elizabeth Kolbert
In her latest book Under a White Sky, Elizabeth Kolbert takes a hard look at the new world we are creating. She examines how the very sorts of interventions that have imperiled our planet are increasingly seen as the only hope for its salvation. By turns inspiring, terrifying, and darkly comic, Under a White Sky is an utterly original examination of the challenges we face.

Elizabeth Kolbert is the author of Field Notes from a Catastrophe: Man, Nature, and Climate Change and The Sixth Extinction, for which she won the Pulitzer Prize. She’s also a staff writer at The New Yorker.

Ian Shive
The Last Unknown is a thrilling new documentary that’s just started streaming on Discovery2 and featuring wildlife photographer Ian Shive. We last spoke with Shive in December 2020 about his gorgeous coffee table book Refuge, about America’s wildlife refuges. That book and this film are reminders that we still have an abundance of wildlife to save and protect.

Tuesday, March 30 at 1:00 PM.

First Voices Radio with Tiokasin Ghosthorse

Myron Smart and Will Falk will be giving us an update on the latest activities at Thacker Pass in Nevada. Myron Smart is a descendant of the Fort McDermitt Paiute-Shoshone Tribe. He was raised in his traditional ways of life in our Native culture. Some of the things Myron loves include everything outdoors, animals and taking care of his horses. Will Falk is a biophilic writer, lawyer, and the author of “How Dams Fall: Stories the Colorado River Told Me,” published by Homebound Publications.

Then we talk with artist Hiroyuki Hamada, who has exhibited throughout the United States and in Europe. Hiroyuki’s work has been featured in various publications, including Stokstad and Cothren’s widely used art history text book “Art: A Brief History” (Pearson). He was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2018. Tiokasin and Hirohuki will talk about Hiroyuki’s essay, “The Mechanism of Invisible Hand, Invisible Cage, and Invisible Empire Over Humanity and Nature.”

Tuesday, March 30 at 12:00 noon.

East End Ink

Author Jim Marquardt reads from his True Stories of Old Sag Harbor: Whaling Adventures, Indians and Colonists, Wars, Shipwrecks, Writers and Artists.

Wednesday, March 31 at 7:30 PM and archived.

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