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Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 2-22-2021

Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 2-22-2021

2021-02-22T13:52:54-05:00February 22nd, 2021|Blog, Weekly Guests|Comments Off on Music, Culture, Arts and Entertainment 2-22-2021

Digging in the Dirt with Kevin Gallagher

Kevin’s guest will be the great Latin jazz big band leader Bobby Sanabria. The professor will be on WPKN to talk with Kevin about the career and legacy of the late great Chick Corea.

Monday, February 22 at 4:00 PM.

Writer’s Voice with Francesca Rheannon

We talk with Heather McGhee about her important new book, “The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone And How We Can Prosper Together.” It’s about how the politics of racial division keep working-class people of all races from having what they deserve.

But first, we talk with Michelle Commander of the Schomburg Center about the anthology she’s co-edited: “UNSUNG: Unheralded Narratives of American Slavery & Abolition.”

Monday, February 22 at 10:00 PM and archived.

Jim Motavalli 

Jim Motavalli’s guests:

8:15 PM — Angelo Carusone of Media Matters talking about Rush Limbaugh’s legacy and the ad boycotts that dogged him
8:40 PM — singer-songwriter Allysen Callery on her new EP
9:00 PM — British singer-songwriter Jade Bird
9:30 PM — political composer/jazzer Joseph Herbst
10:00 PM — electronica artist Lael Neale

Tuesday, February 23.

East End Ink 

We celebrate Black History Month with readings from the work of African-American Writers by Sag Harbor writers and readers presented by the John Jermain Library, the Eastville Historical Society and Canios Books.

Wednesday, February 24 at 7:30 PM and archived.

Live Culture with Martha Willette Lewis

Enjoy a conversation with artist Felandus Thames and curator David Borawski about the exhibit The Things That Haunt Me Still up now at Real Art Ways in Hartford. The show, which runs until May 30, 2021, features Thames’ assemblages that utilize found objects and non-traditional materials like hair beads and barrettes, to explore gender and race. Often asking more questions than offering answers, Thames’ playful use of materials and text utilizes humor as an entry point to exploring social and cultural issues.

February 27, 2021, from 11-12 noon and archived.

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