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Do Yourself (and Our Pollinators) a Favor and Tune into Digging in the Dirt

Do Yourself (and Our Pollinators) a Favor and Tune into Digging in the Dirt

2021-03-09T14:22:25-05:00March 9th, 2021|News|Comments Off on Do Yourself (and Our Pollinators) a Favor and Tune into Digging in the Dirt

By Cathy Smith of Pollinator Pathways

Kevin Gallagher is a host at WPKN, Bridgeport’s independent, alternative radio station, with his show, Digging in the Dirt.

Kevin is a documentary producer & videographer for Audio/Video independent productions and legal video work. Passionate about WPKN radio as a DJ since 1972. Kevin has held many Board positions at WPKN. Program Director, Fundraising Director and Benefits Director and most recently Long Island Director.

“Digging In The Dirt” is a ½ hour interview program where Kevin and his guests, leading thinkers, dig a little deeper into issues surrounding climate change, the environment, farming, gardening and food, airing at 5 pm on alternate Mondays and also at noon on every 2nd Thursday of each month.

Kevin also produces “GaiaGram,” a 4-minute segment featuring a recap of the current environmental headlines from around a planet in crisis. It airs at 4:55 pm every Monday and at other various times in the WPKN programming schedule. On “My Balagan,” Kevin talks with musicians, pundits, and activists.

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